英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 11:10:40
  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. examine so as to determine accuracy, quality, or condition

e.g. check the brakes
Check out the engine

Synonym: checkcheck up onlook intocheck outsuss outgo overcheck into

1. 检查;调查:check out 结账后离开;检验合格 | check over 检查;调查 | check up 核对,检验

2. 核对;检查:come about 产生;造成 | check over 核对;检查 | come over 走过来

3. 检查过:check out 付帐后离开 | check over 检查过 | check sum 校验和

4. 全面清查:check-off list ==> 核对清单 | check over ==> 全面清查 | check position ==> 检验点

I'll run over to Short Mountain and check on Mrs. Adams.(我将开车去肖特山看看亚当斯夫人。)
Check over the error message to make sure the connections are correct.(仔细查看错误消息以确保连接正确。)
Ms. Wadi’s home was next door and she ran over to check on the family.(Wadi家就在隔壁,采访途中跑过去看看家人是否安好。)
He asked the doctor to check him over.(他请求医生给他作全身检查。)
Doctor, check all over your body?(医生,是要检查全身吗?)
Change over to the other implementation and check it there.(转入其他实现里看看怎么回事。)
Check over your script, and try your jokes out on your friends and family.(仔细核对剧本,将写入剧本的笑话讲给朋友和家人听,看看他们反应如何以便加以修改。)
The assistant engineers will check over the plane before it leaves.(飞机起飞前助理机械师要进行检查。)
As soon as the quake is over, check the gas pipe in the building.(地震一旦停止,立刻检查建筑物内的煤气管。)
You should check your e-mails more often. I fired you over three weeks ago.(你应该经常查一下你的邮件,我三周前就开除你了。)
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